Paul speaks about this and explains what is happening in his letter to the Church of
Jesus Christ at Ephesus.We read all about what actually happened in Daniel Chapter 10, and
it is all spelled out so clearly. Now you can talk to me." Daniels is
open and ready to receive the vision.We have a revelation now that there are bad
angels as well as good ones.Some angels are trying to help, whilst some are trying
to block the help.There is a struggle going on in the heavenly places. Sometimes we
know something of that as it touches us here on earth. It is a spiritual
conflict and a spiritual battle at times.This is why it requires and demands a strong
persevering persistent leader.Michael, we know, is prince of Israel, and Michael is a key person
and we read something of these details in Revelation Chapter 12.Daniel is going to be
told what is already written in the Book in Heaven. We read about the prince
of the power of the air. The evil one was called the Prince of Persia.
(The clashing swords above Jerusalem.)Many in the Church dismiss this but it is interesting that
Hollywood does not dismiss it!The angel explains that he got help and got through. There
can be delays.Good tn and bad angels can be locked in conflict. God has already written
in His Book.In the end, Michael the prince wins, and at the very end, Christ
the King wins.There is absolutely nothing that can alter or change that. We can read
all the details in Daniel Chapter 10.Those who were with Daniel knew that something supernatural
was happening and they upped and went. The angel was not able to get through,
because an evil angel, or demonic spirit, prevented the answer from getting through, thus preventing
the messenger of God from getting through, for three weeks.There is a struggle going on.
At the beginning of your asking, God heard, and set the wheels in motion.It is
so good to have a leader who prays and who knows how to pray and
who also knows that his prayer will be heard by Almighty God.God hears and answers
as soon as we cry.An angel was despatched with the answer. Jesus Christ called the
devil, the prince of this world.There are other demons I am sure, controlling other places
and areas. Daniel stayed.Daniel sees what looks like a man and this person is shining
bright. There are evil angels who are princes over nations. and Daniel, the man of
God, who is very much a Nike Tn leader is having his own private and personal battle
and he goes down to the Tigris river fasting and praying. Angels can appear as
a man.When we receive such a supernatural visitation from the living God then we have
to be aware of what can happen. "You control Northern Ireland, make a mess there."
Is there any other explanation? "You control Iraq, and you control Iran, and you control
Britain, and you we appoint to control the United States of America!" Now, do not
dismiss this reality.You sense that there is something funny going on at times, and you
know that it is not flesh and blood.Who is behind disputes? Often a spiritual force
is using men. His M.A. Daniel, from the first day when you prayed, your prayer
was heard. The angel ministers to Daniel and fortresses him, and touches him, telling him
not to become frightened but to stand up."Daniel, God loves you so much. This is
one reason why praying for our world is such a struggle and such a battle.It
is easier to run a coffee morning, or Sale of Work, than intercede in prayer.
That region or belt between us and heaven, wherever it is, it is real, and
there can be a struggle and conflict taking place there.We may be aware of it.
It is around the year 536B.C. That is why it is so important to part
of the army of Jesus Christ, and be fighting for the Prince of Peace.Sandy ShawSandy
Shaw is Pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship, Chaplain at Inverness Prison, and Nairn Academy, and
serves on The Children's Panel in Scotland, and has travelled extensively over these past years
teaching, speaking, in America, Canada, South Africa, Australia, making 12 visits to Israel conducting Tours
and Pilgrimages, and most recently in Uganda and Kenya, ministering at Pastors and Leaders Seminars,
in the poor areas surrounding Kampala, Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu. He broadcasts regularly on WSHO
radio out of New Orleans, and writes a weekly commentary at entitled "Word from
Scotland" on various biblical themes, as well as a weekly newspaper column. There is a
battle in the heavenlies. It is so similar to the picture of risen and living
Lord Jesus Christ in Revelation Chapter 1.Was this the eternal Son of God? Perhaps not,
because of what is said, but the eternal Son of God was there. We may
not be aware of it. and B.D. degrees are from The University of Edinburgh, and
he continues to run and exercise regularly to maintain a level of physical fitness..
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